“WoW” Funding Opportunity
For Employers: Massachusetts Working on Wellness (WoW) Funding Opportunity for Massachusetts businesses to engage in worksite wellness funded by Chapter 224, Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund dollars. Massachusetts Working on Wellness (WoW) supports employers in implementing comprehensive, evidence-based worksite health initiatives. The program provides employers with expert training, technical assistance, an on-line learning community, and seed funding to help offset the cost of starting a wellness program. This is an excellent opportunity for employers to invest in the health of their employees and community. This is available to all Massachusetts employers including for-profit business, non-profits and government entities.
At this time, Department of Public Health is actively promoting the program and recruiting businesses for the April 2016 cohort. The application deadline is March 4, 2016. Interested employers can view webinar dates & register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/7383053825821541890. You can learn more about Working on Wellness by visiting www.maWOW.org. Contact Shioban Torres at Shioban.torres@state.ma.us or 617-624-6065 with questions.