Barnstable County Department of Human Services Announces New On-line Resource
November 1, 2012. Barnstable, MA. The Barnstable County Department of Human Services is pleased to announce a new website featuring on-line directories of health and human service resources. The Directories are a compilation of local resources organized around areas of critical need such as food, housing, mental health services, energy/fuel assistance, and services for seniors and people with disabilities.
Three Resource Directories Now Available:
• Healthy, Happy Eating has listings of food and nutrition resources such as food pantries, where to apply for financial assistance, and how to access meal programs and home delivered meals.
• Energy Assistance has information on consumer utility rights, where to apply for fuel assistance programs such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and where to find repair and weatherization programs.
• Aging and Disability contains information on a wide range of resources – including home care, financial assistance, and caregiver resources.
“ is a valuable resource now available to Barnstable County residents and human service organizations. This new on-line tool is an effective and efficient way to make local information available on a ‘simple to search’ website.” says Beth Albert, Director of the Department of Human Services.
A primary objective of the Department of Human Service is to improve access to health and human service information and resources for County residents. While the Department continues to support MASS 2-1-1, a statewide system featuring a 24/7 call-in center and database of human services, a comprehensive listing of local health and human services critical to the residents of Cape Cod was needed. Within each of the main directories, the user will find a list of categories with listings, a description of the organization, service or program, a link to the agency’s website, maps and agency contact information. The website is designed to be simple, easily searchable, and fully accessible to people with disabilities. The information on the site will be maintained and updated regularly by the Department to ensure that information and resources are kept current. Five resource directories are planned for this year, the two remaining directories focusing on housing and mental health resources will be completed by March 2013.
If you believe your organization should be included in any of the new Directories or have any other feedback on how to improve the on-line directories, call the Department of Human Services at 508-375-6628.
Visit the Department’s Website at
Find local health and human services at