The benefits and programs that veterans and their families deserve are within their reach. Are you aware that eligible veterans can receive $1,000 for their first deployment in either Iraq or Afghanistan and are qualified to receive $500 for each subsequent deployment? Veterans can also receive $500 for serving either six or more months stateside or overseas and $250 for each subsequent tour for six or more months overseas outside of Iraq or Afghanistan. The Welcome Home Bonus is 100% tax free and currently there is no time limit to apply for the bonus.
For information from the Mass Vets Advisor about this and other veteran’s resources for counseling, education, employment, finance, health, and memorialservices click here. For a copy of Veterans’ Laws and Benefits distributed through the Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, William Galvin, click here. This guide provides information regarding recent amendments to federal and state legislation on employment rights and federal burial benefits as well as references to appropriate agencies for information on eligibility and the application process as well as the responsibilities of local veterans/ agents who assist veterans with referral and emergency assistance.