Accessibility Resources
Resources and information for organizations to promote full accessibility for individuals with disabilities. These links will provide information about communication access, physical access, non-discriminatory programmatic access for governmental and non-governmental entities.
The ADA Best Practices Tool Kit is designed to teach state and local government officials how to identify and fix problems that prevent people with disabilities from gaining equal access to state and local government programs, services, and activities. It will also teach state and local officials how to conduct accessibility surveys of their buildings and facilities to identify and remove architectural barriers to access.
Americans with Disabilities Act and Architectural Barriers Act standards
Fair housing accessibility guidelines
Communication access resources for organizations requesting help with individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing
MassRelay is a 24/7 service enabling hearing people or people who do not use a text telephone (TTY) to communicate over regular telephone lines with people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, or speech disabled.
Formatting guidelines for print materials to accommodate all audiences
MDPH Accessible Print Materials
Guidelines for planning an accessible meeting or event
MDPH Accessible Meetings and Events Planning Materials
Cape Cod Disability Access Directory
Distributed at the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce and various Chambers of Commerce on Cape Cod, The National Seashore Park Visitor Centers, Disability Organizations, Libraries, Council on Aging Centers, Town Halls, JFK Museum and on the internet at