A direct link to agendas for public meetings will be posted in the calendar event at least 48 hours before the meeting, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. G.L. c. 30A, § 20(b).
In-Service OSHA Training Day for Barnstable County Staff
3195 Main Street BarnstableIn-Service OSHA Training Day for Summer Beach Samplers and Lab Staff
Mercy Otis Warren Cape Cod Woman of the Year 2024 Celebration
1717 Meeting House 2049 Meetinghouse Way, West Barnstable, MAAbout the Celebration: The award will be presented to Ms. Jones by last year’s recipient, Amanda Converse, on May 29, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the 1717 Meetinghouse, 2049 Meetinghouse Way […]
Urine Diversion Toilets: What’s It All About? A Workshop for Curious Community Members
Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 131 Waquoit Highway, Waquoit, MA, United StatesIf you live in Falmouth or the surrounding towns, you’ve likely been hearing quite a bit about urine diversion recently. That's because MOST of the nitrogen in our waste is […]
Household Hazardous Waste Collections: Wellfleet, Truro, Provincetown
Wellfleet Transfer Station 370 Coles Neck Rd, Wellfleet, MA, United StatesDispose of items too toxic to trash: gas, oil-based paints, solvents, adhesives, pesticides, mercury, and more. Hobby, home, boat, RV, vehicle, lawn, garden, art, craft hazardous products collected. Small business […]
Household Hazardous Waste Collections: Dennis
Tony Kent Arena 8 South Gages Way, Dennis, MADispose of items too toxic to trash: gas, oil-based paints, solvents, adhesives, pesticides, mercury, and more. Hobby, home, boat, RV, vehicle, lawn, garden, art, craft hazardous products collected. Small business […]
Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Training Day
Assumption University WorcesterMedical Reserve Corps training for unit leaders and volunteers. Training for volunteers and staff on MRC's roles and contributions to the community in emergency and non-emergency events.
Barnstable County Day
June 2 is the County's 339th anniversary as a County! Barnstable County was formed as part of the Plymouth Colony on June 2, 1685. Plymouth Colony was merged into the […]
First Week of Routine Beach Sampling
Barnstable County Water Quality Laboratory BarnstableRoutine Beach Sampling by our Seasonal Beach Samplers. Samples from freshwater and saltwater bathing beaches are collected on a weekly basis across Barnstable County and are analyzed at the Barnstable County Water Quality Lab
Assembly of Delegates Standing Committee on Finance Meeting
Virtual via Teams Meeting LinkMeeting Link: Members of the public may also attend the meeting remotely through Microsoft Teams: Join on your computer or mobile app: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjMwMjkyYzItZmRjYi00N2RkLTllOWItYTYxOTBkN2U4MDEx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2284475217-b423-48db-b766-ed4bbbea74f1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226aab8a54-417e-4bd0-a883-f38ffc2db7f2%22%7d Meeting ID: 225 464 806 705. Passcode: […]
Choke Saving & Hands Only CPR
Provincetown Town Hall ProvincetownAHA Choke Saving and Hands Only CPR training to all the Outer Cape communities requesting this training. This life saving training is required for Food Establishments required by the Mass DPH 105 CMK590.009.
June 5, 2024 Board of Regional Commissioners Regular Meeting
Barnstable County Commissioners Conference Room - Superior Courthouse 3195 Main Street, Barnstable, MA, United StatesBarnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee Regular Meeting
Harborview Conference Room 3195 Main Street, Barnstable, United States +1 moreMeeting agenda includes the Microsoft Teams link for virtual attendees.