Status of Mosquito-Bourne Virus Transmission in Barnstable County
IMPORTANT! Updated August 29, 2024
Testing conducted by Cape Cod Mosquito Control has detected increasing levels of arbovirus in the Commonwealth. Due to the movement of birds carrying viruses such as West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), it is predicted that Cape Cod will be seeing even more mosquito samples testing positive in the coming weeks.
Here’s is the latest update from Cape Cod Mosquito Control regarding arboviruses in Barnstable County:
Cape Cod Mosquito Control submitted 39 pools of mosquitoes to the state lab this week for arbovirus testing. Samples were submitted from member towns including one sample collected on Joint Base Cape Cod.
One sample of mosquitoes collected in Barnstable County tested positive for WNV this week. We have not had any additional samples test positive for EEE (following the initial positive reported in the town of Barnstable on July 23rd).
SOUTH DENNIS: One sample of 14 Culiseta melanura collected on 8/15 tested positive for WNV.
According to the MA Department of Public Health there is a moderate level of risk for transmission of West Nile Virus in Falmouth, Mashpee, Barnstable, Yarmouth, and Dennis.
Recommendations for Preventing Mosquito Bites
Cape Cod Mosquito Control continues to urge residents and visitors of the Cape Cod region to heed the following:
Please avoid mosquito bites and use EPA registered repellents! Potential disease vectors for West Nile Virus are active at dusk and after dark so precautions should be taken to avoid mosquitoes at these times. The species that transmit this disease prefer to lay their eggs in man-made containers like tires, tarps, gutters, and children’s toys that hold water after a rain event. People can reduce the mosquito population in their area by checking their property for standing water and dumping it out. Standing water provides a perfect habitat for mosquitoes to develop.
- Stay indoors! It’s best to remain indoors when mosquitoes are most active – which is dusk to dawn.
- Use insect repellent! Use insect repellents with 20-30% DEET, 10–20% picardin, 10-20% IR3535, or 30-40% oil of lemon eucalyptus on skin and clothes to prevent bites.
- Wear long clothing! When outside wear long pants, sleeves, shoes, and socks. Apply permethrin to clothes and gear. It lasts through several washes after it is applied. Do not apply permethrin directly to skin.
Mosquitoes spread many diseases. Continue reading for more tips to help protect your home and your family from arboviruses (viruses transmitted by mosquitoes). Enjoy Cape Cod without the bites! Also, check back here for further updates from Cape Cod Mosquito Control.
For the most up-to-date surveillance information, visit:
MA Department of Public Health mosquito borne diseases web page
The most effective way to reduce the number of mosquitoes around homes and neighborhoods is to find and eliminate their breeding sites – standing water. Regardless of weather, there are plenty of potential places in which mosquitoes can develop. A neglected bird bath, swimming pool, or clogged rain gutter can produce hundreds of new mosquitoes in just a few days. Here are effective steps that you can take to minimize mosquito breeding:
- Clean gutters: keep water running freely.
- Repair door and window screens to keep mosquitoes out of the house.
- Fill holes and keep water from forming puddles.
- Remove toys, buckets and pots; dump out any water-filled items.
- Fix leaky faucets and pipes to get rid of dripping water.
- Cover and protect pools and hot tubs when not in use.
- Change birdbath water regularly to keep the water clean
Protect Yourself and Your Family from Mosquito Bites
- Again, it’s important to use mosquito repellent any time you are outdoors. Even being out a short time can be long enough to get a mosquito bite. Make sure to follow directions on the label.
- Be aware of mosquitoes around you. If mosquitoes are biting you, reapply repellent, or think about going inside.
- Be aware of peak mosquito hours. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many species of mosquitoes. Take extra care to use repellent and protective clothing during evening and early morning — or consider avoiding outdoor activities during these times.
- Use mosquito netting on baby carriages or playpens when your baby is outdoors.
- When weather permits, wear long-sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors.
- Make sure screens are repaired and are tightly attached to doors and windows.
- Remove standing water from places like ditches, gutters, old tires, wheel barrows, children’s toys, birdbaths, and wading pools. Mosquitoes can begin to grow in any puddle or standing water that lasts for more than four days, so don’t let water collect around your home.
- Avoid camping overnight near freshwater swamps to reduce your risk of exposure to mosquitoes that carry the EEE virus. If you do go camping, use a tent with mosquito netting and use appropriate repellents.
If you are BITTEN
- Wash the bite with soap and water.
- Apply calamine lotion to help stop the itching.
- If you get sick after being bitten and suspect a mosquito-borne illness, CALL YOUR DOCTOR!
Massachusetts Department of Public Health tests for EEE and WNV from June to October. Please check back during the testing season to view local risk levels and daily case data.
Massachusetts Arbovirus Update
This information was provided by Fight the Bite – a collaboration between
the Cape Cod Mosquito Control Project (Phone: (508) 775-1510) and Barnstable County Government.