Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission Announces New Coordinator, Leslie Domínguez-Santos

September 8, 2022 (Barnstable, MA) – The Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission (BCHRAC) is pleased to announce Leslie Domínguez-Santos as the new Human Rights Coordinator.
Leslie Domínguez-Santos has a long career in community-based work and advocacy, particularly with and for Latinx and immigrant populations. She worked in Chelsea, Massachusetts, for many years, most recently as the Director of Development for GreenRoots, an environmental justice organization. During the peak of the pandemic, she helped to establish the One Chelsea Fund, which raised and distributed $1.4 million towards COVID-19 relief directly to Chelsea residents.
Her recent groundbreaking report, COVID-19 in Chelsea: A Glance Into One of the Hardest Hit Cities and the Role of Intersecting Social Determinants of Health, takes a strengths-based perspective in highlighting residents’ experiences, providing critical data and research on the social determinants of health, and demanding change through a series of policy recommendations. This report, combined with her resident-centered macro social work approach, garnered her the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award from the Boston College School of Social Work.
Her previous work, both in Chelsea and in Chicago, Illinois, includes efforts toward Illinois’ pioneering anti-human trafficking legislation; state and federal legislative efforts to expand affordable and supportive housing (with wrap-around services); supporting meat packers in their fight for better working conditions, and building the administrative and fundraising capacity of immigrant groups and other grassroots coalitions.
Ms. Domínguez-Santos and her family have lived on Cape Cod for over sixteen years. Locally, she has served on the Board of Directors for the Duffy Health Center and the Bridgeview Montessori School. She has been a Girl Scout leader for over a decade. Ms. Domínguez-Santos currently resides with her family in Sandwich.
ABOUT THE BARNSTABLE COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS ADVISORY COMMISSION: The mission of the Human Rights Advisory Commission is to promote equal opportunity for all persons of Barnstable County regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin, gender, age, ancestry, sexual or affectional preference marital, family or military status, source of income, neighborhood or disability, where unlawful discrimination exists in housing, employment, education, public accommodations, town or county services, insurance, banking, credit, and health care. Learn more at https://www.capecod.gov/departments/human-rights-advisory-commission/
ABOUT BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF CAPE COD: Barnstable County provides exemplary government functions and services to keep our community healthy and safe, promote sustainable growth, and offer a proactive, open government that enhances the quality of life for the citizens of Barnstable County. Learn more at https://www.capecod.gov/