Community Health Newsletter
Did you know that April is National County Government Month (NCGM)? It’s a time when we can reflect on the important role that county government plays in supporting our community and the local health departments that serve the 15 towns of Cape Cod. This year, the theme of National County Government month is “Thrive”. As we learn how to move forward from COVID-19, our goal is not just to survive, but to THRIVE.
In the spirit of this special month, we are releasing the spring edition of our quarterly Community Health Newsletter, which addresses where we are now and where we’re going with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. One particular focus is how the pandemic has impacted the mental health of our youth, and how to assess, monitor and mitigate any potential issues before they manifest negatively later in life.
Specifically, the topics that are addressed in this edition are as follows:
- A Note from the Nurse
- Testing and Vaccination Going Forward
- COVID-19 Contact Tracing is Up and Running!
- Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with COVID-19
- Mental Health Benefits to Being outside for Children
- Debunked: Unsticking False Information