1/6/22 | Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment Issues Advisory As COVID-19 Cases Continue Post-Holiday Surge
Recent COVID-19 PCR test results at County test sites and at Cape Cod Healthcare are showing percentage positivity of 20% and higher.
January 6, 2022 (Barnstable, MA) – Barnstable County continues to experience extremely high daily case numbers, as reported by the MA Department of Public Health, following laboratory analysis of PCR test samples.
This week, test clinics organized by the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment have yielded percent positivity rates of 20% which is indicative of broad and aggressive spread of the Omicron variant on Cape Cod. In addition, testing taking place at Cape Cod Healthcare is yielding percent positivity rates above 25% (7-day rolling average).
The Health Department urges all residents, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask or face covering when indoors (and not in your own home) and to ensure that you and your children are vaccinated and have received booster shots as soon are you are eligible. In addition, you are also urged to resume physical distancing of at least 6 feet and to minimize attendance at social events and other gatherings.
“While we are trying to keep schools open and minimize the risk to healthcare staff, first responders, and workers, we are asking the public to resume masking and physical distancing in indoor public settings like grocery stores, retail settings, and places of worship, and to please avoid attending social gatherings” said Sean O’Brien, Barnstable County’s Health Director. “We need to put the skills we learned during past COVID surges back to work, and we are in the biggest surge we’ve ever seen right now.”
In addition, if you have symptoms of COVID or live with or have been in contact with someone with COVID for more than 15 minutes, please schedule a test.
For information on testing in Barnstable County visit https://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/newsroom/covid-19-testing-opportunities-in-barnstable-county. You may also schedule tests at your local pharmacy.
For information on vaccination and booster shots in Barnstable County visit https://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/newsroom/vaccination-clinics-in-barnstable-county. You may also schedule vaccinations and boosters at your local pharmacy.
Established under a Special Act of the Legislature in 1926, the Barnstable County Department of Health & Environment (BCDHE) provides regional public health and environmental health services throughout the 15 towns comprising Barnstable County. The Department manages several environmental, public health, and homeland security grants funded through state and federal resources. The Department’s primary mission is to protect public health and the environment and promote the physical and mental health and well-being of Barnstable County residents.