HUMAN SERVICES > Affordable Housing > Useful Tips and Fuel Assistance Information for Those Faced with High Housing and Fuel Costs
Useful Tips and Fuel Assistance Information for Those Faced with High Housing and Fuel Costs
Published on: November 30, 2021
2021 is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program’s 40th anniversary! 40 years ago, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 was signed into law on August 13, 1981, authorizing and establishing the Home Energy Assistance Program we offer today. For forty years, this national program has helped low-income families pay their home heating and cooling bills. This program is at the core of Health and Human Services’ mission—enhancing the health and well-being of all those in need. An estimated 5.3 Million households across the United States received assistance with heating and cooling costs through LIHEAP.
Download the FY 2022 Cold Relief Brochure HERE.