County to Hold “Coastal Homeowner Buyout” Forum on April 21
For Immediate Release
County to Hold “Coastal Homeowner Buyout” Forum on April 21
April 7, 2021 – Barnstable, MA. | On Wednesday, April 21, Barnstable County will hold a “Coastal Homeowner Buyout Forum” to outline federal assistance programs available for homeowners who currently live in high-risk areas and may be interested in relocating. The information presented in this forum will be relevant to properties located anywhere in a floodplain, not just coastal or waterfront. The forum will be held via Zoom from 4:00 – 6:00 PM.
This County event is organized in partnership with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and Woods Hole Sea Grant and is hosted by State Representative Steven Xiarhos, State Senator Susan Moran, and the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners. The program will feature presentations by representatives from three federal agencies with floodplain buyout programs: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS).
The total loss of multiple waterfront homes this winter highlights the significant damage that homeowners on Cape Cod can incur from coastal storms. As sea levels continue to rise and storms become more damaging, some homeowners may seek to relocate and have their property restored to nature.
The forum is designed to provide information to homeowners and municipal officials who may be interested in learning more about how these federal programs work. The presenters will review eligibility requirements and the requirements of the municipal government, which typically applies on behalf of a homeowner.
Forum participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the presentations. The workshop will be held via Zoom on April 21, 2021; 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Register by clicking here.
Press Contact:
Shannon Hulst | (508) 375-6952 |