Barnstable County AmeriCorps Cape Cod 2021-2022 Individual Placement Request for Proposal Release
February 17, 2021 – (Barnstable County, MA) – Barnstable County AmeriCorps Cape Cod is holding three Individual Placement Request for Proposal (RFP) release webinars for all organizations that are interested in applying for an Individual Placement for the 2021-2022 program year.
* This year we have an option for current 2020-2021 Individual Placement supervisors to attend a shortened webinar highlighting any updates for the 2021-2022 service year. *
Any organization that wants to apply for an Individual Placement is required to attend one of the meetings. If you are unable to attend the dates below, reach out to Phoebe and she can provide a recorded version of the meeting.
An Individual Placement is an opportunity for a Service Partner organization to host an AmeriCorps Cape Cod member for one, two, or three days a week. Placements should be project-based and have clear goals and objectives. Individual Placements are long term projects, lasting the duration of the service year (October 2021 – July 2022).
Projects should encompass at least one of the following AmeriCorps Cape Cod focus areas:
Natural Resource Management (land and water)
Disaster Preparedness and Response
Environmental Education
* Volunteer Engagement is encouraged as a component of all projects *
AmeriCorps Cape Cod members are not employees or interns of the service site, nor should they displace current employees or serve in a regular staff position. The member’s role is to focus on a specific project. To be eligible to apply for an Individual Placement, your organization must be a non-profit, school, or governmental entity within Barnstable County. All Individual Placements awarded will be contingent on continued grant funding.
The Release Meetings:
April 6, 2021 at 10:00AM (Webinar)
April 7, 2021 at 10:00AM (Webinar)- RETURNING SERVICE PARTNERS ONLY
April 7, 2021 at 2:00PM (Webinar)
Anyone who signs up for our Webinar will receive a link and/or phone number to watch and/or call into the meetings. If you are a CURRENT Individual Placement supervisor for 2020-2021 you may attend a shortened “Returning Service Partner” Webinar.
Please RSVP at https://barnstablecounty.formstack.com/forms/yr23_americorps_ip_rfp_release_meetings_rsvp
For more information contact Phoebe Plank at phoebe.plank@capecod.gov or (508) 375-6871.
AmeriCorps Cape Cod is a fulltime residential service program committed to addressing the critical environmental and disaster response needs of the Cape Cod community. AmeriCorps Cape Cod’s 24 members each provide 1,700 hours of service over an 11-month term focusing on the areas of natural resource management, disaster preparedness and response, environmental education, and volunteer engagement.
AmeriCorps Cape Cod is funded by Barnstable County and through grants from the Massachusetts Service Alliance and the Corporation for National and Community Service. AmeriCorps Cape Cod is managed through Barnstable County’s Cape Cod Center for Public Safety Training. For more information about AmeriCorps Cape Cod, contact the AmeriCorps Cape Cod Office at (508) 375-6630 or visit our website at americorpscapecod.org.