MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > UMass Tick-Testing Service Temporarily Sidelined by Work Furloughs
UMass Tick-Testing Service Temporarily Sidelined by Work Furloughs
Published on: December 2, 2020
Please be advised of interruption to tick testing: As of December 1, the tick testing lab at UMass Amherst suspended operations. The university furloughed a number of employees. The test lab will reopen at some future point but a date has not been established. You can check the UMass website www.TickReport.com for updates and we will post any updates, as well.
Some good news: If you have ticks that you may want tested just store them dry in a zip lock bag…DNA is very stable. If you have any questions Barnstable County Entomologist, Larry Dapsis, is available Monday through Friday. Call 508-375-6642, email ldapsis@capecod.gov