The Dredge Report – Week of October 18, 2020
Much of the work this week was focused on the Dead Neck/Sampsons Island project in Cotuit.
We are nearing the end of the project with an estimated 5 – 7 days remaining.
To give you an example of what some of 40,000 Cubic Yards looks like, the picture below was taken on Friday showing the sand piled high along the island where the dredge pipe dumps the sand into the drainage basin.This is just a few days sand!
As the Sand Shifter continues dredging, the contractors from Dig It work in tandem with our crew moving the sand from the pit onto the beach which is then graded according to what is required in the towns permit.
Another great pic below shows the dredge operating along the western end of the island. Little by little the end of the island is being removed by the Sand Shifter.
As reported last week, the Cod Fish II is in Falmouth awaiting the pipe that’s needed to begin the project. Several days of wind/waves and then fog throughout the week has delayed bringing the pipe on site.