August is Water Quality Month
At Barnstable County, there are several programs across our departments working hard to protect Cape Cod’s water. Water Quality Month reminds us to look at what the County and other organizations are doing in our community doing to protect it.
This month, Barnstable County’s Groundwater Guardians and Barnstable County Water Utilities makes its Virtual Water Fair available again. Visit https://www.capecodgroundwater.org/water-fair/ to access fun water quality activities when you click on each participating organization’s logo.
Here you will find tip sheets, webinars, at home learning websites, do-it-yourself activities, information about general good water practices, Cape-specific good water practices, and SO MUCH MORE. We have partnered with local Cape Cod organizations to put together a hub of information ranging from facts about the deep ocean to your own backyard.
Become aware of the little ways they we can pollute our water and discover how to protect it instead. Water sustains all life and entire ecosystems depend on it for their survival.
10 More Ways Celebrate Water Quality Month
What can individuals and families can do to prevent water pollution from their homes especially during Water Quality Month? Here’s a short list of things that you can do at home to help:
- Not using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products. Regular soap and water will do the trick. Much of the antibacterial soaps contain a registered pesticide that is known to harm marine life.
- Not flushing unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain.
- Not putting anything but water down storm drains because they carry water to local waterways.
- Fixing leaks that drop from cars and putting liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials.
- Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
- Choose nontoxic household products when possible.
- Pick up after pets.
- Not paving properties.
- If you have a private well make sure it is tested and cleaned regularly. There can be bacteria build up in wells.
- Read your local water quality report so you know what the water quality is in your area.