For Immediate Release: BCREPC Monitors Approach of Hurricane Isaias
Information from Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee
For Immediate Release
BCREPC Monitors Approach of Hurricane Isaias
Media Release 001 Hurricane Isaias
Barnstable, MA. (July 31, 2020) — At a 2:00 p.m. conference call on Friday, the Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (BCREPC) convened remotely to review the impacts of Hurricane Isaias on our region expected early next week.
Individuals present on the call included over 75 representatives from agencies across Cape Cod’s 15 towns and Nantucket, including police, fire, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), Eversource, the Multi-Agency Coordination Center (MACC), and several volunteer organizations, including the Red Cross.
Currently a Category 1 storm, Hurricane Isaias’ movements and strength are subject to change; however, it appears to be consistent so far. Monitor the forecast over the weekend.
- Isaias is anticipated to persist as a Category 1 storm or less.
- Onset of Isaias currently forecasted to reach Cape Cod on Tuesday mid-day, with the bulk of the system occurring in the latter part of that afternoon.
- Current National Weather Service predicts peak wind forecast will be 75 mph.
- Localized minor storm surge is possible, particularly on the northwest-facing coastline.
- Heavy rainfall is likely, coastal flooding and beach erosion is possible.
- Falling trees, scattered power, and communications outages are possible.
- To be safe, citizens should prepare for the potential of significant wind impacts. Efforts should now be underway to secure all properties.
STATUS: BCREPC is monitoring Hurricane Isaias and will be ready to activate shelters if needed. BCREPC is also working with the Red Cross and other agencies to ensure that proper protocols be taken at shelters in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Multi-Agency Coordination Center (MACC) is on standby. The next remote conference call will be held on Saturday, August 1, at 10:00 a.m. to assess the latest forecasts. Visit www.bcrepc.org for updates.
Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (BCREPC)
The BCREPC was founded in September 2002 to assist the communities on Cape Cod and the Town of Nantucket with addressing hazardous materials emergency planning and response as required by the federal government. Today, the BCREPC has expanded its scope to include “All Hazard” emergency planning issues such as storm response, sheltering and grants management. The BCREPC is a coalition of emergency management, law enforcement, fire service, health care, public health, public works, EMS, military, and numerous other affiliated agencies as outlined by the Massachusetts State Emergency Response Committee (SERC). It represents the towns of Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth in Barnstable County, and the town of Nantucket in Nantucket County. The REPC is coordinated by the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment. Visit www.bcrepc.org