USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Distribution Event Success
The Abbey Group, New England Food Service Management Company and a member of Cape Cod Buy Fresh Buy Local , in partnership with Sandwich Public Schools hosted a USDA Farmers to Families Food Box distribution at the Oak Ridge Elementary School yesterday, July 29th. Volunteers handed out 7 ½ pound Vermont Dairy boxes, 10-pound boxes of chicken, and 2 gallons of milk to Massachusetts 1,100 families in need of food during a morning drive up.
Thanks to Pam Gould, Superintendent of Sandwich Public Schools, Pete Hanlon of P. J. Cranberries of East Sandwich MA., and Matthew Carney, Food Service Director for The Abbey Group who helped make this event possible, in addition to the volunteers who helped hand out food, Town of Sandwich Selectmen, Sandwich Police Department, Sandwich Fire Department, Sandwich High Department, MA Military Family Foundation, Reinhart Food Service & Guaranteed Fresh Produce. Cape Cod Cooperative Extension staff Rebecca Westgate, Kim Concra, and Sue Bourque were in attendance and handed out tip sheets on food safety, storage, and the farmers’ market calendar to those picking up boxes of food. The calendar highlights what farmers markets accept SNAP.
View images from the event posted on the Cape Cod Times