MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > Send a Message of Thanks to Workers on the Frontline During COVID-19
Send a Message of Thanks to Workers on the Frontline During COVID-19
Published on: April 20, 2020
During this critical and unprecedented time there are people working on the frontlines battling COVID-19 and putting themselves in the path of the virus. Our region’s doctors, nurses, technicians, EMTs, pharmacists, police, firefighters and emergency responders are rising to the occasion and taking care of our residents on Cape Cod. There are also our grocery store workers, mail carriers, restaurant workers, delivery personnel, and many other essential workers who are providing a lifeline to our community.

Barnstable County invites you to share encouraging words and thank you notes for these everyday heroes through our online submission form. We will pass on your thanks on our website. Join us in saying a resounding thank you by submitting your message here.
Ways to Help
Remember, the easiest way to thank those working on the frontlines is by following guidelines put in place to keep us all safe. Stay at home unless it’s necessary to leave. Wear masks at the grocery store, and other essential businesses.