Weather Update – April 2, 2020
BARNSTABLE (MA) April 2, 2020
Warnings are in effect for Cape Cod Friday morning through Friday evening, including a High Wind Warning and Coastal Flood Warning. Northeast wind gusts up to 60 mph for Cape Cod and the Islands and increasing rough seas with minor to moderate coastal flooding during Friday morning’s high tide.
The Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee will be monitoring the storm and will be ready to assist communities as needed.
Possible downed trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Be sure to check out ready.gov for information on how to prepare. Report power outages to Eversource at 800-592-2000 or at www.eversource.com/customercare/ReportOutage.
Check out www.barnstablecounty.org for other updates on how Barnstable County is working for you.