Joint Letter from Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Cape Cod Healthcare, and Barnstable County Administration to Cape Cod Second Homeowners
Please read this joint letter from the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Cape Cod Healthcare, and Barnstable County Administration to Cape Cod Second Homeowners.
[su_note note_color=”#00c4ooc”]March 27, 2020
Letter to Cape Cod Second Homeowners:
Cape Cod is home to over 214,000 year-round residents, who appreciate and depend upon our seasonal influx of visitors and second homeowners. It has been our way of life for centuries.
During the coronavirus crisis, we all understand the desire to come to your second home on the Cape while sheltering in place.
We are asking that if you do so, please help us all to remain safe and healthy by following these actions:
- Individuals traveling to Cape Cod from off-Cape and out of state are to self -quarantine for 14 days to avoid spreading the virus.
- Bring items that you will need during your stay, including prescriptions, groceries, cleaning supplies, personal health items and personal protective equipment. While essential service establishments may be open, there are shortages being experienced of key items.
- Support our restaurants with take-out orders as found on this list https://www.capecodchamber.org/restaurants/restaurants-offering-takeout/
- Check in with an elderly neighbor (from a safe distance of 6’ or more – preferably by phone) to see if they are well or need any supplies.
- Please stay in small groups and practice all the recommendations of the CDC for self-care. https://bit.ly/2QSmyUN
- Be aware that not all states have put into place the same restrictions related to Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts emergency actions are posted here: https://bit.ly/3bsZunl Call the Massachusetts state-supported 2-1-1 hotline.
Whether you come to your second home here, or choose to remain in your primary home during this unprecedented time, please contribute to: Cape Cod Healthcare https://bit.ly/39lk2MX Donations of both money and personal protective equipment are needed for local healthcare workers. They will be protecting you and your family, too, if you are here!
To provide humanitarian aid to local individuals and families, many of whom are now without jobs, with no guarantee when those jobs will return, or who do not have health insurance, may lose housing or other benefits to support them, we recommend these organizations:
- Cape Cod Community Foundation Strategic Emergency Response Fund: https://www.capecodfoundation.org/community-response-to-covid-19/
- Cape Cod & Islands Major Crisis Relief Fund: https://majorcrisisrelieffund.org/
- Cape & Island United Way Community Response Fund: https://www.capeandislandsuw.org/
- Cape Cod COVID-19 Workforce Housing Relief Fund http://www.haconcapecod.org
Together, we will weather this global storm!
Wishing you peace and health,
Wendy K. Northcross, CEO
Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
Michael K. Lauf, CEO
Cape Cod Healthcare
John Yunits, County Administrator
Barnstable County[/su_note]