Has Your Employment Been Affected by the Coronavirus?
Massachusetts residents whose employment is being affected by the coronavirus can file claims for benefits.
This past week, Governor Baker signed legislation to allow for a waiver of the one week waiting period for unemployment insurance payments. Visit the Department of Unemployment website to read the latest information on how to apply for benefits, including access to a form to request assistance for those with special needs, disabilities or language difficulties.
Access this PowerPoint Presentation detailing how to file claims. Additional guidance for businesses (regarding loans etc.) during this crisis can be found here.
Attend a Virtual Town Hall Meeting
The first virtual town hall will be held Sunday, March 22nd, at 3:30 pm.
To further help claimants through the process of applying for benefits, specific web page updates that include the latest guidance for employee qualifications and additional resources like contact forms and a COVID-19 specific unemployment claim handbook can be viewed at https://www.mass.gov/resource/information-on-unemployment-and-coronavirus-covid-19 .