MEETING POSTPONED: Public Meeting: Bourne Complete Streets
Media Contacts:
Steven Tupper, Transportation Program Manager | 508-362-3828
Sarah Colvin, Communications Manager | (508) 744-1271
MEETING POSTPONED: Public Meeting: Bourne Complete Streets
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
Bourne Middle School Library, 77 Waterhouse Road, Bourne, MA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (March 11, 2020) – The planned public meeting to discuss the Bourne Complete Streets Prioritization Plan scheduled for tonight, March 11, 2020 at the Bourne Middle School Library has been postponed.
Due to the concerns raised by the COVID-19 virus, The Town of Bourne has recommended that the public meeting be postponed until a later date. The Cape Cod Commission is honoring the recommendation from the Town of Bourne and is postposing the meeting.
The meeting will be re-scheduled to a date yet to be determined.
For more information and to be notified of the re-scheduled meeting date please visit the project website at: https://capecodcommission.org/our-work/bourne-complete-streets/ or contact David Nolan, Transportation Planner, Cape Cod Commission: 508-744-1228.
The Cape Cod Commission is the regional land use planning, economic development, and regulatory agency for Barnstable County, Massachusetts. It was created in 1990 to serve the citizens and 15 towns that comprise Cape Cod. The Commission works toward maintaining a healthy balance between economic progress and environmental vitality. “Keeping a special place special” describes the agency’s mission to protect the region’s unique qualities. The 19-member volunteer Cape Cod Commission board represents a wide spectrum of the community and provides oversight for a staff of 40 professionals. For more information, visit: www.capecodcommission.org.