Register for the Spring Gardening Symposium
Published on: February 26, 2020
The Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod presents its Spring Gardening Symposium, “Sustain Yourself! A Happy Healthy Approach to Your Home Garden.” Saturday, April 25, 2020, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. REGISTER BY APRIL 15TH!
Transform your home garden into a beautiful, edible, low-maintenance with three pioneers of the sustainable gardening movement, Brie Arthur, Ellen Ecker Ogden and Jessica Walliser who will demonstrate how to design a garden filled with flowers and food that you’ll love to grow.
Tickets are $50 and include lectures, morning coffee, lunch and entry into a raffle featuring plants and unusual gardening tools. Parking is free. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 15.