Commissioner Beaty Announces New Contituent Office Hours through June
Contact: Ron Beaty
Phone: 774-994-2959
Email: ron.beaty@capecod.gov
Commissioner Ron Beaty Announces New Constituent Office Hours Through June
CAPE COD, MA-Saturday, February 15, 2019 – Barnstable County Commissioner Ron Beaty announced today that his constituent office hours effectively immediately until the end of June will be every Tuesday morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM as well as by appointment, at the County Complex.
Persons wishing an appointment or meeting should call in advance at: 508-375-6875, or send an email message to: ron.beaty@barnstablecounty org
The three Barnstable County Commissioners are elected at large and serve four-year staggered terms. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to direction of county agencies, preparation of budgets for submission to the Assembly of Delegates (the County legislature), care of county property and finances, proposing ordinances to the Assembly, and appointment of the County Administrator and employees.
The County Commissioners meet weekly on Wednesdays, and other days as deemed necessary. Pursuant to Article 3 – Executive Branch, Section 3-3 (e), Powers and Duties, of the Home Rule Charter, the County Commissioners file at least on a semi-annual basis a report with the Assembly of Delegates informing them of the financial and administrative condition of the County.
Moreover, the County Commissioners update the Assembly of Delegates on County issues at the Assembly’s regularly scheduled meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month.