Children’s Cove is re-accredited by the National Children’s Alliance
Children’s Cove, the Child Advocacy Center for the Cape & Islands has been re-accredited by the National Children’s Alliance for the third consecutive period.
Accreditation takes place every five years and is based on a CAC’s compliance with 10 national standards of accreditation to reflect the most recent evidence-based practices in the field of child abuse intervention and prevention. Accredited Members must utilize a functioning and effective Multidisciplinary Team approach to work collaboratively in child abuse investigation, prosecution, and treatment. National Children’s Alliance also considers standards regarding a center’s cultural competency and diversity, forensic interviews, victim support and advocacy, medical evaluation, therapeutic intervention, and child-focused setting. This is scrutinized and evaluated by a rigorous application and site-review process.
Children’s Cove dedication to create a community where children are free of abuse, have a voice that is heard, and where they enjoy healthy, safe, and empowered lives is the reason for meeting or exceeding these standards.
The team at Children’s Cove, and strong partnerships with Law Enforcement, DCF, the District Attorneys Office, Cape Cod Healthcare, and countless other community partners, are how they earned accreditation.
Congratulations to Children’s Cove!
Please read the article in Cape & Plymouth Business Magazine