MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > MassHire Cape & Islands Workforce Board is Collecting Gift Cards for Families in Need
MassHire Cape & Islands Workforce Board is Collecting Gift Cards for Families in Need
Published on: December 5, 2019
MassHire Cape and Islands Workforce Board is collecting gift cards and gifts for families in need this holiday season. Please consider donating a gift card, or if you prefer to donate a gift, consider mittens or hats for younger children, games, a craft item, or bath & body products. All donations can be brought to MassHire Cape & Islands Career Center or to Barnstable County. MassHire will be dropping off gifts at schools throughout Barnstable County during the week of December 16th. If you have any questions, please contact Kara Galvin, Executive Director of MassHire at (508) 771-5627 or info@masshire-capeandislands.com.