HUD Awards Over $1.8M to Cape & Islands Homeless Programs

IMMEDIATE RELEASE- HUD Awards Over $1.8M to Cape & Islands Homeless Programs
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced the 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) awards. The Cape and Islands CoC received $1.8 million dollars in funding for housing programs to support 136 formerly homeless individuals. The region also received grants to support CoC Planning, Coordinated Entry, and a Homeless Information Management System (HMIS). This year’s award is a 12% increase over last year award. This year’s application was highly successful with 100% of the renewal projects funded. A bonus award for a new project will create 11 new supportive housing units for those experiencing homelessness.
Barnstable County Department of Human Services, as the lead entity for the CoC, is responsible for submission of an annual Consolidated Application. “HUD’s Continuum of Care program is highly competitive and our CoC has made very challenging decisions, shifting funds from existing projects to create new ones, to have a more substantial and lasting impact on homeless populations” says Beth Albert, Barnstable County’s Director of Human Services. “Its great news for our region that all of our renewal projects were funded and that we were able to secure a bonus award for a new project that will provide homes to 11 people who were formerly homeless”. The list of grantees and funded projects is available at https://www.hudexchange.info/onecpd/assets/File/2018-massachusetts-coc-grants.pdf
Nationally, HUD provided $2 billion in grant funds to 5,800 local homeless housing and service programs and awarded over $200 million to 900 new homelessness programs across the U.S. These Continuum of Care (CoC) grants provide critically needed support to local programs on the front lines of serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
For more information contact: Elizabeth Albert, Director 508‐375‐6626