For Immediate Release: Cape and Islands Receive Grant to Address Youth Homelessness
For More Information Contact:
Beth Albert, Director
Department of Human Services
Cape and Islands Receive Grant to Address Youth Homelessness
January 31, 2019, Barnstable. Barnstable County Department of Human Services was awarded a Homeless Youth Services grant from the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) to conduct a community needs assessment and provide support services for homeless youth and young adults. The $232,841.00 grant award will be dispersed to five community-based organizations that work with homeless youth and young adults – Housing Assistance Corporation, Homeless Prevention Council, CHAMP Homes, Martha Vineyard Community Services, and Nantucket Fairwinds.
The Homeless Youth Services Grant builds on the work of the Massachusetts Commission on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth. The Commission’s goal is to provide a comprehensive and effective response to the unique needs of this population, including analyzing and addressing barriers to identification and service delivery. In 2018, the Commission published the Massachusetts State Plan to End Youth Homelessness.
The Cape and Islands was one of ten regions in the Commonwealth that were funded to support networks of providers to deliver services to unaccompanied homeless youth and youth at risk of homelessness. The grant provides for outreach, prevention, crisis intervention, and flexible direct housing-related assistance. The funding is targeted to youth and young adults 24 years of age or younger who are not in the physical custody or care of a parent or legal guardian, and who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Organizations and individuals who might benefit from youth homelessness services are encouraged to directly contact one of the five community-based partner agencies to be assessed for services.