MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > SHINE Offers Presentations to Explain Medicare Coverage Options
SHINE Offers Presentations to Explain Medicare Coverage Options
Published on: September 28, 2018
Medicare’s Part C (Medicare Advantage) and Part D (Medicare Prescription) Open Enrollment Period begins on October 15th and ends December 7th for 2019 plan choices.
The Cape and Islands Regional SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Program is offering community presentations to explain Medicare coverage options, plus plan costs and changes for 2019. Presentations will run approximately one and a half hours, including time for questions. Please note telephone numbers below as advanced registration is required.
SHINE Counselors are available at local senior centers and other locations across the Cape and Islands to provide free and unbiased one on one counseling for Medicare beneficiaries, their family members, caregivers and representatives. The Barnstable County Regional SHINE Office can be reached at 508-375-6762 or email SHINE@capecod.gov.
- Friday October 12 12:00 Eastham Senior Center 508-255-6164
- Monday October 15 1:00 Chatham Senior Center 508-945-5190
- Monday October 22 1:30 Falmouth Senior Center 508-540-0196
- Tuesday October 23 2:30 Dennis Senior Center 508-385-5067
- Tuesday October 23 1:00 Sandwich Senior Center 508-888-4737
- Tuesday October 30 10:00 Provincetown Senior Center 508-487-7080
- Wednesday October 31 1:30 Orleans Senior Center 508-255-6333
- Monday November 5 10:00 Mashpee Senior Center 508-539-1440
- Tuesday November 6 1:30 Truro Senior Center 508-487-2462
- Thursday November 15 1:00 Harwich Senior Center 508-430-7550