Volunteers Help Children’s Cove Make A Difference
VISTA Volunteer Olivia Friedrichs began volunteering at Children’s Cove in June of this year. Founded as Volunteers in Service to America in 1965 and incorporated into the AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993, VISTA volunteers are placed in service organizations across the United States, aiming to build capacity and enhance those organizations’ ability to serve their communities. VISTA Volunteers commit to one year of full-time service, for which they receive a modest living stipend, a chance to build upon their professional skills, and have a meaningful volunteer experience.
Originally from San Diego, Olivia attended Concordia University in Chicago for Education. After completing her student teaching hours in an inner-city school in Chicago, she thought about serving abroad in the Peace Corps, however a close friend reminded her that there were a lot of children here in the United States that could benefit from volunteer service. Not long after, Olivia applied for the Volunteer Coordinator position at Children’s Cove through VISTA; since this past June, she has been making a difference for the residents of Barnstable County.

Olivia’s work centers around expanding and strengthening the volunteer program at Children’s Cove that aims to increase awareness of child sexual abuse and the vital services that Children’s Cove offers to Barnstable County residents.
Currently, there are four individuals volunteering consistently, and she notes the need for more. Volunteers do not engage in any direct service, rather their work focuses on increasing awareness and education. Olivia notes, “It could be as simple as hanging up posters on your way to get coffee in the morning or staffing a table at an event.” It’s not just volunteers that she needs- recommendations for venues and events at which to participate is also helpful. Some of the events that volunteers have participated in this past summer are the Harwich Arts and Crafts Fair, Annual Kids’ Day in Barnstable, 505K in Orleans, and the Wampanoag Health Fair.
By the time next June rolls around, Olivia is hopeful to end her year of service having set up a solid program for her successor. She wants you to know that volunteering for Children’s Cove could mean making a difference today and for generations to come. If you would like to learn about volunteer opportunities at Children’s Cove, or if you have ideas regarding venues and events, please email olivia.friedrichs@childrenscove.org or call 508-375-0410.
[bctt tweet=”Things get solved if you get involved! Find out how to volunteer for Children’s Cove: The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center.” username=””]