Farewell to RSAC Coordinator Samantha Kossow
Samantha Kossow, Regional Substance Abuse Council’s (RSAC) coordinator since 2014, is leaving her position on August 31, 2016. Samantha has been integral to the success of the RSAC through her efforts publishing the RSAC e-newsletter, organizing committees and staying on top of resources, news and outreach. We will miss her insights and knowledge of substance use prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery on Cape Cod.
Thank you Samantha!
Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council (RSAC) establishes a communication infrastructure across towns, providers, organizations, and individuals on Cape Cod to identify and address regional gaps and disparities in the substance use service provider system, maximize inter-agency collaboration and maximize funding and resource opportunities. RSAC strives for a coordinated and comprehensive regional approach to substance use across the continuum of prevention, treatment, intervention, and recovery.