Behavioral Health News from the Region
Barnstable County Department of Human Services presents highlights of the region’s behavioral health news:
- Raymond Tamasi, president, Gosnold on Cape Cod in Falmouth, Mass. was recognized for demonstrating innovation in behavioral health when awarded the 2016 Behavioral Healthcare Champion. Four individuals from across the country were honored for their ‘unique brand of dedication, courage, inspiration and excellence as leaders of behavioral health organizations’. In addition to Mr. Tamasi, the 2016 Behavioral Healthcare Champions are Kathe Dellacecca, MSW, Sinai Health System in Chicago; Robert Ferguson, Jaywalker Lodge in Carbondale, Colo.; and Steven Sharfstein, MD, Sheppard Pratt Health System in Baltimore. (Cape & Plymouth Business Journal, Tuesday, July 19, 2016)
- Behavioral Health Parity Insurance Laws Seminar will be offered on August 25, 2016, at Cape Cod Hospital. Health Law Advocates (HLA) and the Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council are conducting a FREE seminar to address these issues. This session is open to providers, clinicians, nurses, administrators, community health workers, and any others who would like to know more about behavioral health parity laws. Behavioral Health Parity Law Seminar Flyer
- Advanced Trainings for Licensed Mental Health Clinicians who are interested in working with Military, Veterans, or their family members are scheduled for August and September.
Training Day 1: Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training for Mental Health Professionals, Thursday, August 26, 2016, Holiday Inn, Falmouth. This is a prerequisite training for Training 2. More information & register online.
Training Day 2: Serving Those Who Have Served: Friday, September 30, 2016, Joint Base Cape Cod, MA Army National Guard Regional Training Institute. View flyer for more information.
- On October 7, 2016, at the 4th Annual Behavioral Health Summit- Building Bridges to Recovery, the Behavioral Health Provider Coalition of the Cape and Islands will present “Milestones of Behavioral Health: A look at the science and lived experience of behavioral health across the lifespan”. Speakers include Michael Lauf, MBA, President and CEO of Cape Cod Healthcare; Tina Champagne, OTR/L, Program Director at Cutchins Program for Children and Families; and Mark Vonnegut, MD, Pediatrician
Author, ‘The Eden Express, Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So’.
Barnstable County Department of Human Services supports behavioral health efforts through programs, technical assistance, and resources. Human Services’ Behavioral Health website features mental health and substance abuse information, state and federal legislation, self-help guides, and local directory of related services. Department Publications and Data web page provides critical documents, resources and related links, highlighting the Department’s repository of synthesized local data in original in-house publications and reports.