Community Access Monitor Training – June 23 and 24
Join the Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled (CORD) and the New England ADA Center for a two-day Community Access Monitor Training training offered by the Massachusetts Office on Disability. Community Access Monitor Trainings help individuals learn how to better advocate for increased access in the community and how to better understand their obligations to provide access to the disability community.
Participants in the two-day training will learn:
- Regulations of the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board
- Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
- History of Disability Rights
- General overview of the ADA and the Amendments Act of 2008
- How to Survey a Facility
- How to Advocate for Access
- Examples of good and bad accessibility
- Rights and Responsibilities of a Community Access Monitor
The training is on June 23rd and June 24th at the Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis. The cost for both days, including lunch and materials, is $15 for consumers and $85 for professionals (with continuing education credits available for Building Inspectors).
The registration deadline is June 15th. To register, please complete the registration form or visit CORD’s website for more information.