Commissioners Welcome New AmeriCorps Members & Plant 15 Year Celebration Tree
[su_frame align=”right”][/su_frame]Barnstable County, the Resource Development Office and AmeriCorps Cape Cod’s Together We Grow 15 Years |15 Towns | 15 Trees anniversary celebration project came to the County campus on Wednesday, during the new Year 16 AmeriCorps Pledge Ceremony, where the new members are sworn in by the County Commissioners. As part of their 15 year celebration, Barnstable County, the Resource Development Office and AmeriCorps Cape Cod donated 15 trees, one for each town, across the Cape. Each of the trees were planted in the towns along with a dedication plaque. The County Commissioners joined in on the planting of the tree for us here at the County complex, [su_frame][/su_frame]beginning by addressing the new AmeriCorps members, County staff & the press to share the importance of the AmeriCorps program and it’s contributions across the region and beyond.
Afterward, the three Commissioners got their hands dirty and joined the AmeriCorps members in planting the County tree. The show of support from County departments was fantastic, and it was another great way to celebrate an important anniversary, commemorating the hard work of AmeriCorps Cape Cod, the Resource Development Office and all of Barnstable County Government to our communities.
[su_frame align=”right”][/su_frame]The trees are not just beautiful, but a gift to the carbon footprint of the town. This environmental impact along with the anniversary information is on the plaque as well as the towns were each presented with a framed, custom poster commemorating the event. All of the posters are part of a traveling exhibit across the Cape to share the important anniversary and dedication with the region.
[su_frame][/su_frame]The Barnstable County Commissioners welcome the new, Year 16 AmeriCorps members to Cape Cod and look forward to being part of the valuable services they provide to our region!
For more information, visit the Resource Development Office department or program website-AmeriCorps Cape Cod.