Take Part in the Massachusetts Walk and Bike to School Day!
The Massachusetts Walk and Bike to School Day takes place every year on the first Wednesday of May and celebrates the efforts of hundreds of schools taking part in Massachusetts Safe Routes to School programs. This year’s event is on Wednesday, May 7th.
The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program promotes healthy alternatives for children and parents in their travel to and from school. The program’s goal is to educate students, parents, and community members on the value of walking and bicycling for travel by providing safety trainings, themed events, and community presentations. Safe Routes programs aim to establish healthy lifetime habits for students, increase independence in kids, help them arrive at school ready to learn, and teach safe pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver skills.
If you would like your school to participate in the upcoming Walk and Bike to School Day, or to learn more about how to get your child’s school involved with Safe Routes to School, please visit the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School website today. Schools who also register their event with the National Center for Safe Routes to School will be eligible to win 10 bikes and 20 helmets!