BCREPC Media Release 2014-01-001
BCREPC Media Release 2014-01-001
January 2, 2014
For Immediate Release
January nor’easter: no activation of regional shelter system at this time
BARNSTABLE – The Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (BCREPC) held a conference call at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, January 2, 2014, to discuss the upcoming winter weather event.
The most recent forecasts indicate that the snow will be of the dry/fluffy variety and is not expected to cause wide-spread power outages. For that reason, the decision was made not to activate the regional shelter system at this time. The BCREPC will reevaluate conditions on Friday morning.
For information about preparedness and sheltering visit the Barnstable County REPC website at www.bcrepc.org.
Additional information on preparedness is available from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) at www.mass.gov/mema or the FEMA website at www.ready.gov or call 2-1-1. For specific local information, citizens should contact the emergency management office in their town.